Friday, September 30, 2011

Life at the barn

        Since we're all about horses, I'm gonna go on about how much I love riding at the barn. I take lessons at Green Hill Stables in Dixon, Kentucky. Becca and Maggie, girls I usually ride with, are sweet as could be and some of the best friends I've ever had. Jessica, my trainer, teaches me more and more every week I go. I know for sure I couldn't ask for a better trainer. And Francis, the sweet, sweet owner of the barn and all the land, has been like another guardian for me. I've known her since I was three, though I left the barn for a few years when I was about five. I've started up again and fell in love with the new horses. My favorite horse, Joker, a smokey gray dappled mare, had been my very first best friend. She's been dead for years, according to Jessica. But the new horses I've made an aquaintance with do more than just take my mind off of Joker. Let me introduce you to a few of them.
        Calloway's Mystery Solved, aka Mystery, bay Saddlebred with a blaze. He was the first horse I rode when I started up again at the barn. He was a typical horse...outsmarted me at most things, listened for a while then tested my patience...but I love him. He's kind of the little brother I've always wanted. He's greedy, especially when it comes to treat. He also enjoys bucking at the canter. What's not to love, right? Well, Mys is one of those horses you hate to love, but you can't help yourself. Here's some pictures of him! Excuse my bad riding...this was a while ago.

        Now I'm gonna talk about the Pony. Real name: Buddy. Best face markings ever, by the way. Oh boy, where to start. He's probably the most skittish horse in the world, not kidding. If you walk up behing him and poke him on the butt, tail flies in the air, he jumps about four inches in the air and farts. He's always showing the whites of his eyes. I dropped the girth one time and, poor Pony, he jumped back about two feet (a lot for his size) and farted, shaking with fear. Believe it or not, Buddy was never abused or hurt. He's just used to being picked on by the big guys...and girls. He's also in love with Paige, the next horse I'll tell you about. Anyway, Pony will see a fly or a pile of manure from the horse in front of him and run around it, scared it's going to bite his little ankles. He trots like a wierdo, canters like he's trying to outrun a cheetah, and spooks at two things: things that move and things that don't. I'm always leaning to far back on him...I'm a horrible rider, especially when it comes to short horses. Sigh... Pictures, anyone?

        Let's talk about Paige. Oh boy, do I have memories with Paige... Deep chestnut quarter horse and evil mare. No pictures yet, sorry. All of them are on my laptop, which isn't here. Pony is in love with her, who knows why. You can milk her, though! She's not even pregnant! How cool is that? Sigh...only horse lovers would willingly post this stuff! Anyway, she's tried to buck me off multiple times. Hasn't succeeded...yet. She's always nipping someone or trying to throw an innocent rider. The vicious things that horse does... I love Paige, but dang is she evil! She's a gorgeous horse, but I've never seen anything that beautiful so....blugh. One time, Jessica decided me and Maggie would ride bareback on a hot summer day. Maggie rode Mystery and I rode Paige. Walking, trotting, posting, and cantering bareback...not a problem. Round the world and trotting backwards, problem. Maggie and I were sitting backwards on our mounts, expecting tragedy. Luckily, we hung on. Screams rang through the barn as Maggie and I had spaz attacks, assuming we were gonna meet the ground that day. We didn't, for some odd reason. Note: Paige is horrified of fans...Just saying....Pics to come!
        Now I'm gonna talk about Doc! Who doesn't love the old man? Twenty-nine year old arabian, that man. I have tons of pictures, just none with me, I apologize. But back to Doc. My Doceroni. He's like a big brother to me, letting me know if I make grooming mistakes or if he dislikes the pretty braids and clip on hair feathers I'd shove in his mane. So far, he has my favorite canter. It's smooth, like a rocking horse. Doc has a huge potbelly with his buttbones sticking out because of age. We still ride him, but the most we do is canter over ground poles. The more I think about it, the more I love Doceroni. It's hard not to fall in love with him on the second ride. The first ride is worse than everyone elses. He tests you...he will outsmart you...he's not stupid. But once he's used to you, there's nothing to worry about. Becca did fall off once, because her stirrup broke. Memories...sorry there ain't any pictures yet.
        Time to meet Damzelle, virtually of course. No pictures yet. I have never ridden Damzelle, though I would really like to. She's on of the tall, sculpted Saddlebreds. She's a bay with absolutely no markings and long, wavy mane. She's the definition of beauty. It kinda makes me mad I don't have pictures. Well, anyways...she's the queen of evil. She's got Paige beat. Perfect in shows, vicious in the practice ring. Nips anyone who gets near her head. Wish I could say more about Damzelle, but I've never ridden her so there's not much more I can say. Pictures to come, I promise!
        Ringtail. Five year old palomino gelding. I've never seen any horse so obsessed with licking! You can go up to Ringtail and he'll stick his head as close to you as he can lick. It's not your average horse's an open his mouth all the way bite your arm lick. You turn around so he can't reach your arm, he'll lick you're hair. I haven't ridden him either, but I've witnessed him being free-lunged and ground driven. He has one of those Quarter-horsey canters, as Maggie would say. He's beautiful. I've groomed him and Damzelle, but I've pulled his mane. I am also in love with the way gallops. Well, that's enough about Ringtail. Pics to come!
        Smokey is a beautiful gray dappled whatever breed he is. Possibly Saddlebred but not sure. Anyway, I haven't ridden him either. When he's in his stall, there's a big enough crack on the other side to stick your finger through. Smokey will freak out and try to eat your finger. If you tap his top lip and keep moving your hand to high for him to reach, he'll flop his lips like an idiot and snort repeatedly. Ah...I love Smokey. Pics to come....sorry.
        Well, you've virtually met all the horses at the barn. The barn's not that big, just a little old business. I hope I didn't bore you with my obsessing over the horses...I'll get pictures up immediately, I promise. I'll take pictures of the people I ride with and stuff and upload that, too. Let me know if you think I should update my blog on what we did at horseback or something. I'm new to the whole blogging thing and I need ideas. Thanks!